The error code 22 or “Device is Disabled ” error can be seen while running your system or installing a particular program. There are various reasons for such error like hardware tool turned off under the “Device Manager,” using an old and unsupported driver, and some bugs and glitches inside your system.
Microsoft Store offers diverse functionality to users and has several additional pros as well. However, when downloading any app from Microsoft Store, an error message might display on your screen – The app has been blocked because of the Company policy. Such error message displays as the users get redirected from browser to Store for […]
The Windows Defender Antivirus is trustworthy and a free anti-malware feature designed to defend the data and the system from ransomware, spyware, and harmful viruses. It is an apt solution most f the time, but there are situations when you need to disable antivirus temporarily or permanently.
Windows Update has covered a long distance from the old version. Earlier, Windows were greeted with awkward applications filled with crashes and errors. However, nowadays, Windows update works properly in the background without interrupting the user’s path and executing its task efficiently. It offers users little spontaneous reboots than before and also allows the update […]
Microsoft has rolled out many new app icons in Windows 10 that are colourful and capable to provide a very unique look and feel to the operating system. The design team of Microsoft was working to innovate the icons for the last one year.
Wab.exe error is caused in Windows 10 when there is a malware attack. It can be caused due to the Address book of the search engine, reserve details of contact, emails, or address used in the MS Outlook account. The issue leaves your device in a critical state, and you need to solve it as […]
Windows 10X is the latest and revolutionary OS that will change the view and way of using Windows computers. Currently, it is only available for dual-screen windows but not for long, it is because …
A Hard disk drive is a storage for folders and software on Windows 10, similar to another operating system. Mostly laptop and desktop hard disks are available in 100 gigabytes of space, which is sufficient for many users. Though if you insert plenty of software to the computer together with videos or pictures, HD can […]