Lyrics of Yaad Na Aaye by Akull is latest Hindi song featuring Angel Rai. This new Yaad Na Aaye track lyrics are written by Akull, Mellow D, Dhruv Yogi.
Jhalleya Dila Lyrics is recently released Punjabi song in her voice. Its music is given by Mix Singh, Jhalleya Dila song lyrics.
Mohabbat Main Toh Karta Hoon Stebin Ben Lyrics and Srishti Bhandari is new Hindi song sung in the voices of Stebin Ben and Srishti Bhandari. Mohabbat Main To Karta Hoon song lyrics are written by Azeem Shirazi and music is given by Amjad Nadeem Aamir. Its video is featured with Paras Arora and Manmeet Kaur.
Meri Tarah Lyrics and Payal Dev is recently released Hindi song sung by them Meri Tarah track lyrics are written by Kunaal Verma.
Nikaah Saajz Lyrics and Naseebo Lal is recently released Punjabi song sung by them. Nikaah track lyrics are written by M Ravi and its music given by Shawn.
Diamond Koka Lyrics is recently released Punjabi song sung by him. Diamond Koka track lyrics are penned down by Jassi Lohka.
Meri Tarah Lyrics by Jubin Nautiyal and Payal Dev is new Hindi song sung by them Meri Tarah track lyrics are written by Kunaal Verma and music is given by Payal Dev herself.
Fitratt Lyrics is new Hindi song sung by her. Fitratt track lyrics are written by Abeer, music is given by Kartik Dev and Gaurav Dev.