John Will: BJJ Black Belt, MMA coach, Author and Life Coach: Johns personal BlogHow NOT to Succeed in Life…
Benefits of CrossFit | Seattle CrossFit Some people noticing the trend in Seattle CrossFit are beginning to wonder what the new fitness trend is all about. For those who have not already tried this new approach to fitness, there are … Continue reading →
Fitness schedule of classes for the MAX 10 Fitness and Boot Camp at MKG in Seattle, WA. Register for your FREE Lesson, FREE Consultation and FREE evaluation.
Also on March 22 and 23, Martial Arts master Dan Inosanto conducts a two-day seminar hosted by NW KALI in association with MKG Seattle. “The seminar is geared to give participants an overview of the martial-arts methods that Dan Inosanto has been studying and teaching for the last 50 years,” said NW KALI owner Christopher […]
Pekiti Tirsia Kali in Seattle The Pekiti Tirsia Kali Club in Tacoma, WA is hosting a weekend seminar with the truly legendary Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr. at MKG Seattle this April. Come and experience the offensive bladed system as you’ve never experienced it before. Triangle Footwork Solo Baston / Doble Baston Solo Daga […]
The bad guy always wants one of three things: property, body or life. “Bad guys don’t want to get caught, they don’t want to get hurt, they don’t want shit to take too long,” says Tony Blauer, who owns Blauer Tactical Systems and leads the CrossFit Defense courses. In a carjacking scenario, it’s no different. […]
CrossFit training is not just for professional athletes anymore. The newest CrossFit affiliate at MKG in North Seattle / Northgate brings CrossFit to ALL.
MAX10 Fitness & Boot Camp in Seattle at MKG | 206-457-2101 | FREE Fitness Evaluation | FREE Consultation | FREE Private Lesson. Get Lean. Get Strong. Get Results.