In order to help you understand the special aspects about women and fitness, we’ve put together the info we feel most strongly about here at Breaking Muscle.
Learn 3 self-defense moves against knife-fighting techniques in step-by-step instructions from the legendary Michael Echanis!
Having studied boxing and the martial arts for many years as both student and teacher, I have come to accept that to fight is to face uncertainty and paradox.
LAST DECEMBER, Outside Magazine pointedly raised a question that may have crossed the mind of many a curious exerciser: “Is CrossFit Killing Us?” Translated from the language of over-the-top, misleading headlines to something normal, the query roughly meant, “Is CrossFit — an exercise program that emphasizes a blend of high intensity […]
You’ve been seeing the signs for months now a your kid needs a new way to channel his or her energy â and with summer time right around the corner, you need to figure something out⦠and fast! If youâre looking for an activity that will engage your childâs mind and body, as well as…
n the Blood “Where’s my husband?” Carano on the hunt. Anchor Bay Films Opens Fri., April 4 at Sundance. Rated R. 108 minutes. We have Steven Soderbergh to thank for making former MMA fighter Gina Carano into a big-screen action heroine with his 2011 Haywire, but he’s moved on to other things. So does Carano […]
We live in a weird time in sports. For the first time ever, the world is almost as focused on the physical price athletes pay to compete as they are on what happens on the field of play…
Fitness kickboxing can be real, quality kickboxing instruction. Get fit in our MAX10 Fitness & Boot Camp. Boxing and kickboxing workouts, strength, more..