Presenting the lyrics of the latest Hindi Song ‘Dil Tod Ke’ sung by B Praak & Rochak Kohli. Music by Rochak Kohli. Dil Tod Ke Song Lyrics are written by Manoj Muntashir.
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Ek Tarfa Lyrics is latest Hindi song with music is given by Anmol Daniel and lyrics of Ek Tarfa song are written by Youngveer.
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Presenting the lyrics of the latest Hindi Sad Song ‘Ek Tarfa’ sung by our most favourite singer Darshan Raval. Composed by Darshan Raval. Ek Tarfa Video Song features Darshan Raval, Siddharth Bhavsar, Arbaz Khan, Harshit Mishra. Ek Tarfa Song Lyrics are written by Youngveer.
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